
Increase in vision problems among African Americans

We came across this medical news today, and feel that it ties right into what we've been saying about African American children and the outdoors. 
Too many video games, 
Too much TV and not enough outdoor life.
There is a increase in myopia or distance vision, as published by researchers at the National Eye Institute and published in the Archives of OphthalmologyThis is a quote from Susan Vitale, PhD, of the National Eye Institute in Bethesda, Md.  
"People are using computers and handheld devices much more, and they're spending less time outdoors. There are a lot of possible changes that are reasonable guesses as to why the prevalence of myopia has increased." 
Among blacks, estimates of myopia prevalence grew faster over the period than it did among whites, more than doubling -- from 13% to 33.%.   
You can also check out this article from the Los Angeles Times," A study finds that 17% more Americans have myopia than 30 years ago. Close-up computer work could be a reason".
The Camping Consultants wonder, can camping be part of the solution? 
Let us know what you think.

The Camping Consultants

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1 comment:

  1. I also wonder about people like me who spend so much time blogging! :)

    Happy New Year Outdoor Fam!

